- February 27 2024
- Royal Kerckhaert
Mandatory PU certificate when using two-component urethane adhesives
In the European Union, anyone working with two-component urethane adhesives has been required to have a PU certificate since 24 August 2023. Two-component urethane adhesives are products that have a total concentration of monomer diisocyanate above 0.1%. These include products such as the Vettec adhesives and silicones. This means that users of Vettec must also complete a training course to obtain this mandatory certificate.
As a farrier working with urethane adhesives in the EU, you are therefore also legally obliged to attend this short training course to obtain the PU certificate. This training was initiated by the ISOPA, an association of producers in the European Union. It has set up a (paid) online training course for this purpose. It is a short training course covering the general application of all types of urethane products. After the training of about 30 minutes, you can immediately complete a short online test and obtain the certificate.
The mandatory training is paying, but with the Vettec code you can attend it for free. You can apply here for the Vettec code. More information about the regulation, the training and the certificate can also be found here.
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